Pastor’s Column: Whether weather or pandemic, transitions are tough

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Years ago, I was a weather forecaster in the Air Force. Oh, what a humbling job that was! In that job, I learned to marvel at God’s wonders through a scientific lens.

Again, what a humbling study that was!

We spend so much (billions actually, for just a couple of the supercomputer models) on computers, satellites, daily balloon launches, and instruments to try to predict our weather. We’ve gotten pretty good at it.

Pretty good.

One of the many buggers in it all is predicting weather between seasons, predicting in the transition times. The weather in November and in March just confounds.

We are in a transition time right now with the pandemic (I am even sick of using that word now). Transition times are, by their very essence, unsettling. We have all been so deeply immersed into a life marked and defined by pandemic. We slammed into that life so quickly because it was an emergency. Then we stayed there for a very long time.

Now we are coming out of it. Now we are in a time of changing, of transitioning.

In March and November (and the months around them, really) we do not know whether it will snow, thunderstorm or be so beautiful and pleasant. So, we get ready for it all, and we deeply enjoy the beautiful days.

In this time of change, we are ready for it all. Let’s enjoy the beautiful days. We know that we are transitioning to better…

I asked during worship that we go easy on each other, that we go easy on each other person because of the hardships we have each and all endured. I invite you to do the same with yourself. Go easy on you.

We know that…”For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world might be saved through Him.” ~John 3:16

Yes, that is for our eternal salvation, but that certainly can include you in this very day.

We know that all our plans, reunions, dinners, bonfires, grad celebrations, are tentative, but we will make them as best we can. We can engage with what we think is best and just as we don’t need to overthink and manage others’ lives, we can do our best, to move along in the day with our own choices.

If we make plans in this transition time and those plans cause us great concern and consternation, we can reconsider. If we make plans for rain in transition months and it snows heavily, we adapt. We can do the same for this transition time. Give yourself that break.

I truly pray God’s Blessings on you. We are moving toward such better and more open days. In it all, God has such care for you and has such wonderful plans for you.

God Bless YOU!

Pastor Rhodie